


Yes! Ever since *SLIDING* *TACKLES* Exposed the sordid Shortcomings of the NPFL Match Day 32 Encounter between NPFL Title Favourites, Rangers FC of Enugu vs Plateau United FC of Jos, played at Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu (Rangers Home Ground); where the Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa in his Official Match Commissioner's Report, reported a Serious incident of Assault on him and his Other Match Officials by irate Fans and Supporters of Home Team, Rangers FC? The Nigerian Football Community, has been thrown into Deep Shock and Disbelief, because the Report of Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa; which is suspected to have been hidden by some NPFL Top Administrative Officials; raised a Serious Case of Assault on the Match Officials detailed to handle the NPFL Explosive Encounter; against Rangers; which is a Serious Offence under the NPFL Framework Regulations; which was Not Heard or Treated.

In his Match Commissioner's Report which has since gone Viral through the patroitic Efforts of *SLIDING* *TACKLES*; Match Commissioner Bamusa was clear in his Narration of how at the End of the First Half of the Match; some irate Rangers Fans and Supporters encroached into the Field of Play and started Slapping the Center Referee, Greema Mohammed and Physically Assaulting the Assistant Referee 1, Usman A.O.; on the reason that the Match Officials refused to Award a Penalty in the Favour of Home Team, Rangers FC. The Match Commissioner's Report didn't stop there; it went further to narrate how the Entire Match Officiating Crew; were held Hostage for over 10 minutes inside the Pitch before the intervention of Security Personnel detailed for the Match, resued them. So, the Report of the Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa was very clear and established a Serious Case of Assault on the Match Officials of the Match, against Rangers. Note that it was for the similar Case of Assault on Match Officials, that some Other Competing NPFL Clubs like Bayelsa United FC, Doma FC, Gombe United FC and Enyimba FC were heavily Sanctioned with a Docking of 3 Points alongside Other Sanctions, this particular 2023/2024 NPFL season.

Since the Revelation of of the Scandal which has come to be known as - "The "Owumi-Gate NPFL Match Day 32" Assault lncident Scandal", by *SLIDING* *TACKLES* ; Nigerian Football Stakeholders have been so Disappointed with such an Ugly Scandal of Hiding an Offence committed by a Club; when Other Competing Clubs are being heavily Punished for the same lnfractions especially with 3 Points Docking. Nigerians are seriously Dismayed and Agitated with this Scandal because they didn't Expect such a Discriminatory Fraudulent Conduct and Action coming from the Hon. Gbenga Elegbeleye NPFL Board; who Nigerians have come to Admire and Respect for the Transparent and Professional way, the Board, have Managed the NPFL so far. Nigerians are most particularly Worried with the Criminal Attempt to Shield and Prevent the grave Rangers Assault lncident from being lnvestigated and heard (just like Others); because a Hearing and Decision on the Scandal, could play an important Part in determining the Eventual Winners of the current NPFL Title. Yes! If the Rangers Assault lncident is heard by the relevant NFF Disciplinary Committee and from the Clear Report of Match Commissioner, Bamusa; Rangers is possibly Docked 3 Points (as was Done to Other Clubs); the Title Race of the current 2023/2024 NPFL season; will go to the Wire, and the Champions of the NPFL; will Emerge on the Final Match Day 38 which Officially Ends the League season.

With the clear lmplications of the Consequences of the Revelation of the Assault lncident by *SLIDING* *TACKLES*, a lot of Nigerians have again Hailed our Noble, Patriotic Efforts in Cleaning the Nigerian Football lndustry by Exposing the Evils snuffing Life out of our Football Development. However, a few Disgruntled Rangers Addicts led by One Always Evil Supporting Former Rangers Player called Phinan Ozoenweke; have been lampooning *SLIDING* *TACKLES* on WhatsApp Sports Group Platforms; questioning why we should Expose the Scandal to the Nation; and even Accusing *SLIDING* *TACKLES* of Working against the lnterests of both Rangers and CEO Owumi. *SLIDING* *TACKLES* will pause here to reiterate that our Sole Mission to Torchlight the unfortunate Assault lncident, is purely to Expose the Evil Conduct of the NPFL, which has the Dangerous Propensity to Enthrone a "Fake and Unworthy Champion" for this NPFL season; an NPFL Title Won by crude Hooliganism, Thuggery and Official Favouritism. *SLIDING* *TACKLES* is therefore Not lnterested in Either the Affairs of Rangers or that of NPFL CEO Owumi.

So, *SLIDING* *TACKLES* is Torchlighting the why such an lmportant Report by a Match Commissioner, on Assault of his Match Officials, during his Rangers Match will be Received and lgnored by the NPFL Secretariat; when the Similar Cases of Other NPFL Clubs, are Heard, Treated and Sanctioned? The Report of Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa on the Assault lncident on the Match Officials of the Rangers vs Plateau United Match NPFL  Day 32; MUST BE INVESTIGATED, HEARD AND SANCTIONS ANNOUNCED to ensure Justice and Fair Play to All NPFL Clubsides; which is the Philosophy of World Football Governing body, FIFA. A Decision on the Rangers Assault lncident needs to be Reached because it's a Very Big Scandal that greatly Tarnishes the Entire lmage, lntegrity and Credibility of the NPFL; making a Huge Nonsense of the Efforts put in by Football Stakeholders in ensuring a Fantastic 2023/2024 NPFL season. Yes! Because, how can Rangers go scot free while, Bayelsa United, Doma, Gombe United and Enyimba; are Docked a Whopping 3 Points for Similar lnfractions of the NPFL Rules? And the "Undocked 3 Points" from Rangers; are the actual Crucial Points that Rangers are Sitting on; to Win the NPFL Title, this season. 

 *SLIDING* *TACKLES* have already placed the Blame of the Selective Treatment being given to Rangers by not hearing their Assault lncident Case like Other Clubs; on the NPFL Administration. SLIDING TACKLES has also Fingered the NPFL CEO, Davidson Owumi whose NPFL Management Secretariat; is incharge of the Day to Day Administration of the NPFL; as the NPFL Top Administrative Official, through whom the Masterminds of the Dastard Coup against the NPFL and Nigerian Football; shall be Unmasked, Apprehended and brought to Appropriate Justice.

Here, are some Salient Reasons why NPFL CEO, Owumi is being called out for Special Mention on the Condemnable Sabotage.

 *ONE*: Since *SLIDING* *TACKLES* Exposed the Rangers Assault lncident and the ugly Scandal, went Viral some days ago; Nobody including the NPFL, Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa, the Center Referee, Greema Mohammed, the Assistant Referee, Usman A.O., Plateau United and Rangers; have come out to Counter and Deny the Match Commissioner's Report and the Narrations contained in the Report. This succintly proves that indeed the Assault lncident took place as Described by the Match Commissioner. *TWO*: The NPFL Board through it's NPFL Management Secretariat who is incharge of the Day to Day Administration of the NPFL Competition; is the "First Person" that the Match Commissioner's Report gets to, lmmediately after the Match as provided in the NPFL Framework Regulations. It's the NPFL Management Secretariat that Studies the Reports of the Match Commissioner's First before Anybody else. The NPFL Secretariat is the "First Body" to react to the Match Commissioner's Report with Provisional Sanctions if there are Infractions like in the Rangers Assault on Match Officials lncident; where the Report of the Match Commissioner was clear and Established a Prima facie case.

 *THREE*: The NPFL has a Governing Board led by a Board Chairman. But the Practical Day to Day Administration of the NPFL lies on the NPFL Management Secretariat which is headed by the NPFL CEO, which is Davidson Owumi. The NPFL Board is saddled with Promulgating Policies for the League, while the NPFL Secretariat headed by Owumi is incharge of the lmplementation and Execution of the Policies made by the NPFL Board. The Match Commissioner's Report of Every NPFL Match is Received and First Treated; by the CEO Owumi led NPFL Management Secretariat who Dishes out Appropriate Sanctions as provided in the NPFL Framework Regulations; without the NPFL Board. So, while the NPFL Board might not be aware of a Match Commissioner's Report; the NPFL Secretariat under CEO Owumi, MUST BE AWARE OF THE MATCH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT and it's Contents as All Punishments are Signed by the NPFL CEO. *FOUR*: The Assault on Match Officials lncident involves Rangers as the Accused Culprit. The Rangers Management is not in Any Position to hide the Report of the Match Commissioner that handled it's Home Match; because the Match Commissioner of All NPFL Matches; are Mandated by the NPFL Regulations to send their Match Report Direct to the NPFL Secretariat led by CEO Owumi, immediately after the Match; as a Matter of Official Duty. So, Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa, dutifully sent his Match Commissioner's Report containing the Assault on Match Officials incident; to the NPFL Secretariat after the said Rangers vs Plateau United Match. And the NPFL Secretariat under CEO Owumi, duly Received the Match Commissioner's Report; but Delibrately Refused to Act on the Contents of the Report with regards to the Assault lncident. Yes! Because, if Match Commissioner Anas Bamusa didn't send his Report as Mandated by the NPFL Rules; the NPFL Secretariat under CEO Owumi, would have Queried and Sanctioned him. This was not done.

 *FIVE*: It's well known to All that NPFL CEO Owumi is a Former Rangers Player who also Ended his Football Playing career with the same Rangers. It's also Widely Known that CEO Owumi after his Retirement from Rangers FC; served Rangers as an Administrative Officer for a Whopping Long over 20 years in various Top Capacities and Positions of Welfare Officer, Team Manager, General Manager and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Infact, it was from Straight from his Position of Rangers FC CEO, that the clueless Self Appointed non Contributing State FA Chairmen NFF Board who have No Knowledge and Respect for the Principles of "Conflict Of lnterest" in Business Fair Play Rules;  Appointed Owumi as the CEO of NPFL. The Scandal of Aiding the Hiding the highly indicting Report of Match Commissioner, Anas Bamusa on the serious Assault on the Match Officials by irate Rangers Fans and Supporters; and Attempting to Shield the Contents from the League; was Definitely Ordered by a Top Officer of the NPFL;  who had the Powers to Do so and has Close Affinity to Rangers. NPFL CEO Owumi is therefore being Fingered in the Entire Scandal because of the Close Affinity, he has with Rangers who have Done CEO and, a lot of Good in the Past, and gave him Life. *SIX*: It's true that Some Members of the Governing NPFL Board; were also associated with some of the Participating NPFL Clubs like CEO Owumi.  But these Set of NPFL Board Members who also have Enormous Powers to Order the Hiding of the Match Commissioner's Report; are given some Benefit of Doubt because, their Previous Clubs; are Not lnvolved in the Assault lncident Scandal; and the NPFL Board Members don't have Any Reasons to Aid Rangers by Shielding the Match Report of the Match Commissioner.

Finally, *SLIDING* *TACKLES* decided to Torchlight on "Why NPFL CEO Owumi, is being Fingered in the Entire Mess, because Owumi is so Close to Rangers and the NPFL Secretariat which he Heads is the Department that Received the Match Commissioner's Report and Refused to Treat the Contents. This Torchlight is therefore to explain to Nigerian Football Stakeholders and Nigerians........



 *Barrister* lyke *lgbokwe* ( *Torchlight* *Of* *Nigeria* *Football* )

 *WhatsApp* : *09136715922*


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