Still on Rangers, Enyimba naked dance: More dirty details

Still on Rangers, Enyimba naked dance: More dirty details


By Ori Martins

Following my article on the ill fated Rangers, Enyimba Premier League encounter in Enugu, last Sunday, which the local sporting press termed Oriental Derby, I had never rested since then. Supporters and managers of both sides got across to me with baskets of complaints. 

Rangers' supporters flogged me dangerously as if I were a primary school pupil who reported late to the assembly ground. They were furious I submitted that "the penalty call was highly questionable". The callers on Rangers side insisted their striker was pushed down by an Enyimba player. Frankly, I addressed that point in my piece of yesterday. 

On the other hand, Enyimba followers and fans hit me even harder, in fact, so cruel that I could not sleep all-night. As a matter of fact, there were vital points the Aba giants' supporters raised. As a journalist and commentator, it behoves on me to always respect people's rejoinder and opinion when they make sense and meaning. 

Sam Anozie is an Enyimba special representative. He played for Spartans and missed the the 1985 Flying Eagles team narrowly. In 1986 when Spartans transformed to Iwuanyanwu Nationale, Anozie was among the players allowed to be a part of that epoch. He captained Nationale and upon retirement, emerged the secretary of the team. Ever since then, he has been a sports person all through. 

I made the above presentation to illustrate why I chose to reproduce his viewpoint here. Anozie employed his knowledge of the game to bear on the unfortunate Rangers, Enyimba clash of last Sunday. 

According to him, and what he said are verifiable., "In the first instance, the reserved referee highlighted eight minutes as added time. Crosscheck, the incident we are talking about happened at 108 minute, meaning  over 11 minutes were played. That is, the game ought to have been over at 98 minute. Had that happened, the ugly incident would have been averted. Sadly, the centre referee allowed the game to go on beyond the eight minutes injury time. 

"Point number two, and this is very critical and central towards finding out if that incident was a penalty or not. The assistant referee raised up his flag because the Rangers striker was on offside position already. And because of that the referee raised his hand up in agreement with his assistant, indicating an infringement. It was due to fans pressure and harrassment that the assistant referee brought his flag down and the centre referee followed suit to signal for a penalty. The point here is, there was that move was offside ".

"Again, and this should serve as point number three, the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium has the capacity of 20,000 spectators. But the crowd there on Sunday was almost 60, 000 and that was enough reason for that game not to have been played at all. 

"It was the same case as there was no enough or adequate security leading to the invasion of the pitch by home fans who rushed to the sideline when Enyimba players correctly went to queery the assistant referee on why he brought down his flag he had raised to indicate offside". 

Anozie concluded thus, "We want Nigerians who want our football to develop to totally condemn what happened in Enugu in other to avoid a recurrence. We also appeal to the Premier League authorities to take a thorough look at last Sunday's episode and do justice to it accordingly".

I will also represent Rangers side.

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